
Gnarls Barkley Video Could Cause Seizures
March 5, 2008, 12:55 pm
Filed under: Videos | Tags: , , ,

The new Gnarls Barkley video for the single “Run” has just been banned from MTV for failing the Harding Test, which judges whether TV images may cause seizures. writes:

” “I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but we’re having issues,” Danger Mouse told Billboard. “I think (the video) is cool. It works for me. But I’m not necessarily that easily seasick.

“We can’t predict how people are going to interpret it,” he added.

In the video, Danger Mouse and singer Cee-Lo Green perform on a fictional television dance show, ‘City Vibin’, hosted by Timberlake. Guests on the show dance to the music in front of a backdrop that becomes increasingly chaotic as the song goes on.”

New Gnarls Barkley
January 28, 2008, 6:59 pm
Filed under: Songs | Tags: , , ,

Apparently Mission Freak has an exclusive track of the St. Elsewhere follow up. They write:

“I think we’ve got a new Gnarls Barkley track on our hands, called “Run.” Rolling Stone has already heard a few songs, so you know they’re out there somewhere…but where? You heard it here first! Give it a download and see if:
1. The whole world explodes at this track’s awesomeness.
2. The FBI kidnaps you.
3. You turn into the Cowardly Lion.

Let me know in the comments if you love it, hate it, or think it’s totally fake. Either way, I think it’s all good when Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo get together. Does that make me crazy?”

Check the track here.